Exhibition: 10.03.2017 – 29.04.2017
‘A journey to your senses’
The abstract ink paintings created by the young Colombian artist Daniela Elorza were inspired by the olfactive world of Marie Urban - Le Febvre and the Urban Scents brand.
Daniela Elorza was born 1989 in Colombia and later grew up in Peru. Ever since she was a child, her passion for art was almost second nature, and still is to this day. She began studying Fine Art at the National University of Colombia and then moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina where she pursued Visual Arts, with a specialisation in painting. Notably, her academic experience in South America fuelled her deep interest in pre-Colombian Latin American art. Currently, she lives and works in Berlin, where she also studies Visual Communication at BTK-FH.
Daniela discovered ink while working in her studio in Berlin. She wanted to push herself to learn from her own mistakes and to give an edge of spontanity to her work; the unpredictable nature of ink allows her to do so. Ink has de fluidity and the essence of watercolours, but it is much richer and more intense in color and opacity. Ink can be very thin and quite, but also strong and bold. For Daniela, the artist can not control everything that happens during the creative process, it is also crucial to let the materials provoke surprise showing new possibilities, and ink is perfect to find that equilibrium between what is planed and what is uncertain.
Photographer: Jenna Dallwitz